The 16th Neurocritical Care Society Annual Meeting

After the annual meeting of 2017 was successfully held in Hawaii, the 16th Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) was opened at a seaside city again. This year the meeting took place in Boca Raton, which is about one hundred kilometers from Miami.

From Sep 25 to 28, experts from all over the word shared the cutting edge knowledge of neurocritical and enjoyed the warmest sunshine.

Delica was invited to attend the meeting and supported devices for two trainings during meeting.

Delica’s device was using in training of neurocritical application. The engineer was adjusting device.

Prof. Alexandrov, authority in TCD filed in USA, was using Delica TCD for training. In the following product presentation, Delica TCD attracted a lot of attention.

Experts around the world were stopped by unique and excellent performance of Delica TCD. And Constant efforts of Delica gained great attention of experts.

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